1. It’s fucking depressing that Ohio is now considered as reliably Republican as Florida.

2. Maybe after this election, all these mouth breathers will crawl back under the rocks where they were living before 2016.

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Both are down by serious margins, though. As an Ohioan I’m happy for any $$ the Trump fascisti have to redirect to protect OH.

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I live in the backwater state of Ohio as well.

It’s critical that Sherron Brown be re-elected and I think the anti gerrymandering amendment will help.

We will see.

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F the Republican Party !!! I certainly hope Ohio votes to crush the gerrymandering in my Buckeye state !!!

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In my very Republican corner of NE Ohio, a couple of things stand out:

1) I’ve seen far more Harris/Walz signs than I ever imagined possible.

2) A neighbor who had Trump signs on his front lawn in 2016 & 2020 has a Harris/Walz sign this year. It’s hidden in his landscaping a bit, but baby steps….

It gives me hope for a brighter future!

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Woah! That’s encouraging!

What part of NE Ohio do you live in? I grew up in Green, went to college at Youngstown State, and then spent 20+ years in North Canton before moving to North Carolina about 2 years ago. I miss Ohio, despite the craziness.

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I’m in Lake County - the Snowbelt!

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I can’t remember when I last saw a double dually festooned with TFG banners and I live in Texas. San Antonio, granted, but still. There’s only one sign in our neighborhood for him and those people are awful. Have seen a bunch of vehicles with a weird blank space where bumper stickers used to be.

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We're up in Boerne, and the number of flags, banners, caps, and convoys has almost disappeared. You see the odd supporter with a ball cap or t-shirt every now and then, but definitely not like before. I endured the White dude stinkeye for about a week after Trump was shot [at], as though I was the one who did it! But even that's disappeared. I guess they got over it.

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We're in Dallas, and I'm seeing fewer signs in our neighborhood. The telling one, though, is there's this one guy who had big Trump flags in his yard and Trump signs for the last four years, and they're gone. I'm like, why get rid of them now when they were out (with occasional new additions) for four years? I think the thrill really is gone for at least some of these people. Or it's possible they're just dying off.

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My ex just puts new bumper stickers over old!

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This tracks, Evan! Welcome to Missouri!

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I'm in WY but haven't traveled around much lately. We still have a few people flying flags etc and I know plenty of people likely to vote for him. But the football type fever doesn't seem to be like it was. Hoping there are plenty of people who will silently vote for Harris. The WY Dem party is basically non-existent from what I can tell. Something that needs to change greatly as WY used to have a robust Democratic Party.

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Spot on, Evan. Authoritarian followers also don't like being associated with a loser, and the Felon's mystique has taken some serious hits in the last couple of years. If even these people can tell that Cheetolini is circling the drain, he's in trouble. The only people who don't seem to see that are the political media.

OTOH, the media giving him free air time might not be doing him any favours, since everybody including his stans are sick of his whining and rambling. Like Jesus Christ old man, shut up already.

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Aug 16Edited

I live in a very blue part of very blue Philadelphia but spend a good part of the summer in the Adirondacks (Stefanik's district) which is a mix of tourists, maga locals and wealthy snowbirds. You wouldn't even know there was an election coming. In 2016 and 2020 the area was bristling with yard signs. Last month I saw maybe two trump signs and zero Biden signs (Kamala had only just announced her candidacy.) Interestingly, the maga guy down the road has taken down his "Fuck Biden" flag and replaced it with a flag that simply reads "REPUBLICAN." I'll be heading up for labor day and am curious to see what's going on at that point.

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We were in the Ads a couple times in the last 3 years and saw the standard sign array, but this year in the Finger Lakes there were far fewer. The other thing we counted was road kill – the numbers were astonishingly high. 8 different species of mammals, plus birds, reptiles and amphibians. Were starting to root for the fish...

In addition, our windshield collected more insects than we'd seen literally in decades. I do not know why, but it was oddly comforting (when you see lotsa dead animals on the road that means there's lots and lots of live ones).

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I’m currently at our annual hillbilly lake fest at Lake Hamilton outside Hot Springs, AR. Hot Springs is a very cool oasis, btw. Anyway, during the Trump admin, in 2020, and the first years of the Biden admin, this place was lousy with Trump shit. Lots of boats and boathouses, docks, and lakeside back yards festooned with giant Trump, Let’s Go Brandon, Gadsden flags, and worse, more profane and menacing signs, flags, and banners. Things quieted down the last couple years. I expected it to be back to its crazy heights, this election year. Crickets. One week in and I’ve seen one boat with a Trump flag (we’re in a busy part of the lake with lots of boat traffic). The couple of craziest Trumpy houses, as we call them, had less stuff and it was all faded out having been there a couple of years. I saw one obviously new Trump flag on a boathouse. I agree this doesn’t equate to voting, but it’s wholly consistent with Evan’s experience in a similarly deep red location. There simply isn’t the overt enthusiasm and I don’t believe it’s because they’ve all gone underground. This is proud and loud Trump country for fuck’s sake. You still encounter a Confederate flag here and there. It’s Arkansas after all. These folks aren’t shy about their ideology.

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I liked the send up of the Gadsden flag that said "Please send snacks"

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I have one that says "Don't laugh at me"

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Or "Don't read to me"

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My favorite is the one that replaces the head with Beavis in full “Great Cornholio” mode, with the legend “Are You Threatening Me?”

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I like the one from Dissent Pins: "No one's treading on you, sweetie"

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My brother has this in his truck bumper. 🤘🏼

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“…we spend two solid days on the river not giving a shit about anything besides where our next beer is coming from.

Surprise, it’s in the cooler that’s floating with us! There’s also some vodka gummy bear business in there, because we are classy folks.”

I’m dying. 🤣

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Vodka gummy‘s ???

I’m thinking, THC gummy‘s :-)

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That’s more like it, but in MO?

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Bring them from whatever state you live in that’s not there that dude doesn’t live in Missouri

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You are fancy!

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I live in the very red northern outer Houston metro area and see almost zero Mangolini bumper stickers or signs (though of course I don’t see anything for Harris either). But it’s not just this year, I saw very few for Tangerine Palpatine in 2016 & 2020, but then I was living in central Houston, a much bluer area. It’s weird, because back during the Bush 1 & W Bush years you’d see Bush bumper stickers & signs everywhere. But of course the Bushes were “Texans” (neither was actually born here). Anyway, to my thinking, the absence of signs, etc here is not so much due to lack of enthusiasm but rather the embarrassment of otherwise sane conservative people over the criminal man-child that is their standard-bearer. They’ll still vote for him of course but they’re just ashamed enough to not display their support publicly. On the other hand, I probably will not display any Harris/Walz signs (though spouse & I just ordered tshirts) because I know that my Trumplican neighbors are a) likely armed to the teeth and b) will be getting increasingly upset as their Dear Leader’s political future looks more and more like it’s spinning down the golden commode.

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Someone else posted this in a “Texans supporting Kamala Harris…” FB group today, interesting:

“Something is going on in Texas. I am in several groups locally and the discourse has changed. For the past few years, if you even If you hinted you weren’t on the trump train you would be bombarded and just almost banned from the group. Most groups, you weren’t even allowed to talk about politics at all. Now the same groups are posting political posts and I comment on them, and my comments are being liked, people are responding with like comments and even little red hearts. This is in the blood red part of Texas. The part where people were flying Trump flags on their vehicles, every yard had Trump sign, even parades had Trump flags in them. Now that has slowly disappeared and we’re just a few months from the election. Just a few months ago If you posted anything even remotely Democrat, you would be bombarded with the Libtard, baby killer remarks. Now I post about the abortion issue on those pages and there’s only 1 or 2 of that still vomit the same old rhetoric. Even my few hard core Maggots on my timeline have gotten really quiet. The ones that were “more Maga than ever” just a few months ago aren’t defending much anymore. What gives? Is Texas really in play this year? Is anyone else seeing this!”

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I feel that way as well about a Harris waltz sign. In 2020, my first Biden Harris sign lasted in my yard for about a day before someone stole it. So I just stapled my extra one onto the frame so they have to take the whole thing, and they didn’t it stayed. My neighbor flew a Trump flag for a couple days, but it disappeared. So that’s the good news, this is still a very red county here in Fayette… so there is hope.

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I went to the Iowa State Fair this week. I did not see one Trump hat or shirt. I was looking too! It made me a little hopeful that his cult popularity may be cooling a bit.

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Here in Southwestern New Mexico it is a mish-mash of cultures. Anglo ranchers, Hispanic cowboys, Navajo and Apache ranchers and cowboys, retired old Anglo leftists, a mixed bag of peculiar libertarians, odd lonely artists, academics from a couple of area universities, and the rare African-American.. A steady drumbeat of right wing folks have kept a lot of Trump flags flying since 2016. There were more than a few. Now there are very few. The flags would get tattered in the desert sun and wind and get replaced. Now they just don't get replaced.

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I’m from northern New Mexico but often travel to and through your part of the state. And yes!!! This summer I’ve seen fewer Trump banners and also fewer F..k Biden flags flying. Makes for a more pleasant trip. Yay!!!!!!!!

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I saw only a few Trump shirts at the Missouri State Fair last week but no Trump signs on display at the Republican booth. (They had some in the tent because a few people were carrying them). We’re hoping that bodes well for a Josh Hawley defeat, too. Also, while on vacation in Wyoming, Utah and Nevada last month I saw only a handful of Trump signs!

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One thing I loved about the veepstakes was how it showcased our wealth of talent! I’m feeling very positive about our party going forward now that we’ve been reminded about all the super politicians we will be seeing more of in the coming years.

But to your point about flags and signs, yes. My report from Oregon (which is blue) matches yours. As soon as you get even 20 minutes outside of Portland, Oregon is as red as anywhere and I’m seeing basically zero signs. Rural people used to hang freaking banners on the sides of their barns and I’m seeing none is that. During a summer roadtrip to watch Olympic track trials and then over the coast range to spend some time at beach I counted 2-3 small signs total, and no trucks with flags. And this was before Biden dropped out.

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None *of* that

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The three dots below the right edge of your post give you the Edit option. (Like you I tend to notice typos after I have hit Post)

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My only options are share, hide, and delete 🤔

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Must be device-dependent

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This area of Missouri is very close to my town in Southern Illinois. I’ve noticed that there are fewer Trump signs, bumper stickers, red hats etc. around here. I live in a college town so the immediate area is blue-ish but outside town it’s been deeply red. There are also entire days when no anti-abortion types are picketing Planned Parenthood. The right wing Fb comments on our local TV station page have died a bit too, although that may be due to increased pushback from progressive and liberal posters. All anecdotal but could be signs of flagging interest in Donnie Dump (copyright OHJB)

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Me and the ladyfriend drove down to the Outer Banks last month the rural way via Southern Delaware and the Chesapeake Bay tunnel and I saw maybe 2 or 3 yard signs the whole way that I can remember, and that was the very same day Trump got shot at. Their hearts just don't seem to be in it, bless 'em.

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Just drove through the Flathead Valley in Montana a few weeks ago. Bright red district, Ryan Zinke is the House rep. Normally at this point in an election year the Trump signs would be everywhere. This year? I saw one, a faded Patriots for Trump sign that I know has been up since 2020. Plenty of other signs for local and state races (including, interestingly, a lot for Tester). But no Trump 2024. Very different.

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Hawley and Lucas Kunce had a face-off at the MO state fair yesterday, too. Hawley didn't come out looking very stable. Living in KC and having been freaked out every time I leave the island of blue I live in, this all makes me so happy.

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