One thing one can do is turn the dei hire slur into DEI: Definitely Earned It & use it as a campaign slogan or something similar.

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Ooh, I like that!

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Spread it it will help take the wind out of the insult. BTW the whole saying is

DEI: Definitely Earned It. Because you have to be twice as good to get half as far. - The Ancestors.

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VD Shillbilly is a Tradcath, so we can call him an Opus DEI hire. (Not mine; I'm just repeating it.)

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Great idea! I’ll swipe and propagate!

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I will be sure to use that.

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Beyonce has already authorised the use of 'Freedom', so that's the BeyHive on board. And there are now untold numbers of angry Swifties ready to vote against the ball of human butthair who dared diss Tay Tay. Way to win the youth vote, Rethugs.

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Shhh, never interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake!

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“It’s why they accuse everyone to the left of them of hating “Christians,” “

I am on the left, and I respect and agree with TRUE Christians. They welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, help the vulnerable, and don’t need AK 47’s.

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For a guy born around the year 10 CE - Jesus was grumpy, bossed around by his mother and surprisingly woke.

I say this as an atheist, but one who has read the bible. Whatever these people believe - it doesn’t derive from the gospel.

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I have despaired for decades about the theft of the word (and concept) of being Christian…. It was stolen and has been misrepresented drastically by the extremists. Being Christian was never a political statement. So tragic and sad to lose a fine word and fine state of being to a nasty, movement that bears no resemblance to Christianity

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They give Christianity a bad name.

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The actual folllowers of Jesus should change the name to "Jesusites", or something to leave the hateful behind, the other is a slur, anymore.

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I'll just say a big part of why I chose not to have kids (a choice I celebrate and do not regret every day) is because I too was a child of toxic family dynamics and parents who stayed in abusive marriages "for the kids." And it sucked. And I didn't want to even accidentally continue that down into another generation.

And now I am a successful person in a happy relationship (therapy!) who helps other people's kids get through law school and hopefully become successful members of society. So I also have a big "stake" in the future, actually, and an especially outsized stake in JD's pretended "ancestral" state where he occasionally vacationed when he was a kid and pretended to be from to score fake racist and poverty points from people who don't know what it's actually like here, so fuck him in sixteen ways that his couch won't.

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May your last sentence go viral!

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"Women and young boys in the womb"

I caught that, JD. His misogyny doesn't even exempt girls yet to be born. These people just despise women, full stop.

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It's scarier...calling the 'women' before they're born is absolutely tell that they view them FROM BIRTH to be sextoys/brood mares/houseslaves. Scratch a theofascist man like him you'll find a pedophile.

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Before birth, since they are referring to zygotes, embryos, and fetuses as “women and young boys”. 😳

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Who don't even differentiate until six weeks, all mammals start life as female.

"During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. After approximately 6 to 7 weeks of gestation, however, the expression of a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that result in the development of the testes.


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If you see a little girl as a woman…. Uh oh. Fair game? A vagina is there for your use?

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Suggested, slightly revised response to the "DEI hire" thing:

"We get it. You’re not allowed to say the N-word in public anymore, 'Affirmative Action hire' has too many syllables for you, and you’re lashing out. What a sad, pathetic loser you are."

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Funny how much Vance’s 2021 comments to Breitbart echo conservative attacks on LGBTQIA+ people.

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Almost as if they just recycle the same bullshit over and over.

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"DEI? What does that stand for?"

Because you know they're dying to make their little joke.

"Didn't Earn It."

"So you're saying Trump who inherited his money earned it? Trump who failed at every business he started earned it?"

Harris "Definitely Earned It."

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“It’s why they accuse everyone to the left of them of hating “Christians,” “

I'm left of them, and I'm a Christian. I don't hate myself. I realize I don't pass the Mammon worshiping evangelical Christian test, but I'm happy with that.

When will newish Roman Catholic Vance demand the Pope de-saint "Mother" Theresa? She was definitely childless - I don't think she really liked children very much at all, reading about her orphanage in a book by Stephanie Cole.

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She pretty didn't much like people at all, full stop.

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She liked dictators.

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And sadism, in the name of jesus.

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All Catholic clergy plus monks and nuns are supposed to be celibate, but I assume that's exempt from his condemnation.

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Yes, but - he did not mention childless MEN.

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They never do.

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Excellent as always, Evan.

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“Now which side has all the youthful momentum and energy, and which one just looks gross and weird?”

I have been enjoying how Kamala’s comms team has been leaning in hard on calling out how creepy and weird the GOP and Trump are. Calling out how deeply weird and off putting they are to the majority of people will be very important, IMO.

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Hey, VD…Ooopsy! I actually meant JD. First, what’s with the eyeliner? Your ‘confession’ to that relative sorry, didn’t read your uh, “tome” just the “HORRIBLE” review(s) tooth click, that you were afraid that you may be..gay? ‘C’mon dude, own up! You’re a closeted gay guy whom suffers from Biblical guilt! It’s still legal here to marry someone whom you love! Finally, you’re a pathetic excuse of a ‘MAN’ and personally, I rather sleep with my kitty “Ninyo” than an ugly, miserable wretch such as yourself! My “Ninyo” is an ADOPTED female cat! You gotta a problem with that, CHUMP?

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Shrewd psychoanalysis! Well done!

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Pardon me for repeating this, but Taylor Swift could save the republic with one sentence, and there the story ends: the beautiful princess defeats the ugly old ogre.

Been a long, long time since Alec Lace heard that fateful ‘hawk tuah’ I’m thinking. Running on an anti-bj platform is going to be very profitable, won’t it. Actually, Americans enjoy them: I shouldn’t even have to write this sentence. In fact, I shouldn’t have.

What I always like to tell racists is “Sorry u lost your slaves, bro! Housework sure is a drag!”

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It's not surprising that JV Trump and Blake 'fond of fondling my glock' Masters are of like minds, they're both Peter Thiel acolytes.

Masters put out the single creepiest, serial-killer-vibed campaign commercial of all time when he was running for Senate in AZ. https://www.instagram.com/pattonoswalt/reel/Ck31rEjjIPC/

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Oh yeah, him and that Mastriano individual were both hardcore nazis

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...and funded by one.

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Peter Thiel is openly gay. His idol.. Adolf Hitler… would have exterminated him. I guess when you are a billionaire your sense of irony dissipates

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He’s only openly gay because Gawker outed him, and he bankrupted them for it. He was quite happy being in the closet. But you are absolutely correct, homosexuals were some of the first victims. Including one of Hitler’s own.


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Thanks for the reminder about the Gawker outing. Thiel’s response to that was something else. Yuck.

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Great post! You make your former teacher proud. ❤️

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