Hey I’m a leftist ally and I think it’s a great movie. I don’t think the movie depicts the king as a pagan, there is a wedding scene where they are in a cathedral. If anything it depicts the king as a homophobic monster.

There are good ideas in the film the left can use, such as, “‘men don't follow titles, they follow courage.” I wish more of our leaders had the courage of their convictions, like AOC.

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Yeah, there are definitely those elements -- i think Du Mez is referring to a moment early on where the narrator specifically says the king is a pagan. And I think WE see the "homophobic monster" thing, but I don't think that's what Mike Johnson sees when he watches it, that's just one of the woke homosexuals poor William has to defeat.

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That’s so weird. Maybe they meant cuz it’s the church of england vs catholicism.

Yes. the right has ZERO media comprehension because they’re dense as fuck. “When did Star Trek become woke ??”

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Nope. Braveheart takes place in the 13th century. The church of england did not exit until Henry the VIII which was 16th century.

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I think it was just a basic assumption -- the English assumed Scots were pagan because they were barbarians wearing plaids and sometimes not a lot else, and they painted their faces and didn't behave properly, like the English did. (Probably wouldn't have been Church of England vs catholicism because Henry VIII wouldn't declare the English church separate from Rome for another couple of centuries.)

I do wonder sometimes if the right will ever figure out that the Star Trek they don't consider "woke" was that way only because all broadcast tv had to conform to certain standards of "decency". But Roddenberry did manage to air that kiss between Kirk & Uhura in the 3rd season. So: 1968 is when Star Trek became woke lol

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🎯Bingo, Peter Thiel rips off Tolkien constantly never realizing he is Sauron, not Gandalf.

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i guess what i’m saying here is AOC is braveheart

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These men would be very upset by the notion of AOC being Braveheart. Pete Hegseth will write a book about banning AOC from being Braveheart.

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Which is why I think AOC should go with it, wear plaids and paint her face blue :) It would freak them the fuck out. I bet Jasmine Crockett would play, too!

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*not all men. We know it's a great movie but they take a VERY different message from it than the rest of us did as Evan says. We saw Tim Walz fighting for hungry kids food and they saw warrior loser dog tag man cosplaying at manhood. I agree we do need to learn how to harness this warrior manhood shit that appeals to young men and boys for good because it's not going away and appeals to honorable men too who actually serve in war zones and protect civilians, you know like the brave soldiers that reported the War criminal killing innocents that Hegspeth worked so hard to get pardoned.

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Great piece Evan!

Braveheart is indeed a nasty piece of work by another nasty piece of work. Mel Gibson's icky cartoon wears its intent in bigoted sterotypes and flat-minded slogans. I saw it 30+ years ago and the thought it still repels me.

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The rape report when they talk about his dog tags in her face summarizes this entire article. 1) why are you wearing your dog tags at a GOP conference you loser bitch? It's not a war zone UNLESSSSSS it is in your mind 2) Slapping your victim in the face with this symbol of WarriorProtector you fancy yourself. The whole time youre raping this woman you see yourself as as braveheart, like she really wants you but her christian virtue prevents her from coming out and saying it and the many many "no" in the report are just pretense to preserve that virtue. Thinking back on braveheart there's a whole lot of christian boy rape fantasy in there too. I hate them all so much, talking about protecting women and just nominating rapist after rapist (and enablers like McMahon) You always know it's bullshit but it riles me up so when they slap us in the face with it like some losers dog tags. What a violent and terrifying joke this man is and an insult to all them men that really are protectors like Tim Walz. I'm so sad about it all.

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If they need a model for masculinity taken from the movies, there's a much better example: Aragorn.


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I don't know, Aragorn seems a little too woke. Hangs out with elves, hobbits and dwarves too much.

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Interspecies romance sure gets banning reflexes twitching in some delicate corners of the world ... although I haven't heard of Malaysia banning LotR (maybe simply because there aren’t any written - sorry, officially published - nor filmed sex scenes between Arwen & Aragorn).

But i digress!

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I saw Braveheart at a preview back in the day (we got the tickets for free) and thought it was overblown and ridiculous. I still hold that opinion.

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I've never seen "Braveheart"; I could tell just from the ads and the trailer that it wasn't for me. I've also never seen any Scwarzenegger movie or any of Stallone's. I very much enjoyed "Clueless" and find it far superior to "Fast Times . . ."

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To be fair, Fast Times is a very different movie. It leans more towards realism and Clueless has a lighter tone. I still quote both movies often 😊

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I never saw Fast Times... until a roommate brought the 20th anniversary dvd home with him. I was kind of blown away, because I spent half each of middle & high school watching The Breakfast Club dozens (if not hundreds) of times; if that had been FTaRH instead (or even alongside), my counterfactual wager is that I would have gone into HS with drastically different assumptions or expectations ...

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Yeah, when you combine "the left must be annihilated" with "our enemies only deserve bullets" plus "control of the largest military on God's grey Earth", it does make one uncomfortable. And as a subscriber to the Heritage Foundation mailing list, can confirm the Project 2025 guys are changing their underwear every five minutes from all the excitement.

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They all miss the fact Braveheart died uselessly in the end and eventually Scotland was ruled from London. And still is.

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I think part of this Braveheart worship is actually admiration for Mel Gibson, unfairly pilloried just because he was a drunken anti-semite. Who isn't?

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NOBODY expects the.....oh nevernind!

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Sometimes I enjoy these fever dreams the right occasionally suffer from, and that Braveheart thing was definitely one of those times. It went on for years longer than I found it funny, but really: if some smarmy-ass charlatan is scamming his flock pretending to be some evangelical Christian reincarnation of a 13th-century Scot insurrectionist, I would REALLY enjoy seeing him come face to face with just one of those 13th-century Scots. (From a safe distance, of course!)

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The real William Wallace was hung, drawn, and quartered. I haven't seen the movie, but as noted, it's historically inaccurate, so my guess is Wallace's real end is not included. Leave it to the magas to latch onto the fictional version of a real person to emulate, and they can't even get that right.

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I never tire of pointing out that the real William Wallace was a foot taller than Mel Gibson.

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No they actually show his execution in the movie. Not completely but he definitely dies at the end.

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They include *a* capture and death of Wallace; it is public and includes torture; but it involves neither hanging nor drawing & quartering.

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> the king William Wallace led the Scots against was very much Christian, not pagan

It's been a good twenty-five or thirty years since I last saw it, but I don't remember any implication that Longshanks was pagan. Just that he was power-hungry, and the Scots were in his way, so get rid of them. Kill them, or "move them out", or "breed them out".

EDIT: And I see no less than the Lord himself concurs. 😇

EDIT2: The princess, played by Sophie Marceau, was actually maybe a decade younger in real life than in the movie. So it's unlikely there was a romance there.

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Kill them, or "move them out", or "breed them out" = the actual MAGA GOP party platform.

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Another fucking white xtian man with 7 fucking children by 3 wives!! For fuck sake Christians, what the hell is wrong with you?

Damn I sound like my Catholic mother ⚫️

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Re: Your Nomination for Secretary of Defense — A Blatant Spectacle of Opportunism, Recklessness, and the Sinister Nexus of White Nationalism and Sex Crimes


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Okay so in the one book Hegseth argues that the rules of war are pointless but in another book he complains that the left don't follow the rules of war. What a moran. But a very dangerous moran.

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I started watching Braveheart, I think, or maybe it was promo scenes of Mel in Blueface that made me gaffaw so hard I couldn't continue. It is formulaic tripe for the macho wannabes.

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