I was born and raised in the South. Schools were completely segregated until the mid-1960's (at least in my little town in West TN). When the DoJ forced schools to desegregate there was an explosion of private "Christian" schools all across the South. The purpose was not to provide a Christian education but to keep the black kids away from the white kids. After 20 or 30 years this practice became less prominent. Recently, however, there developed a well-organized and funded effort for school "vouchers". Essentially using public funds so the kids could attend private and charter schools. Ostensibly the voucher program was to facilitate "school choice" but in reality its so that white parents could send their kids to (mostly if not completely) segregated schools in which they could be taught the Christian-Nationalist view of the world. This is the Hillsdale College "classical" education model. That model is that White Christians are ordained by God to rule the planet and are annoited to tell you who to love, how your body is to be controlled, that women are subordinate to men, and that non-believers are not just apostates but are the enemy to be defeated.

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Mike Johnson will be the only one who's surprised when he wakes up (hopefully, for the good of America, very soon) in hell

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Yes, very well done and so, so true. Mike Johnson is the worst. As an evangelical myself, and even a Baptist like Johnson, you nailed him 100%. He literally makes me sick. Our Baptist heritage is NOT Christian nationalism, it is championing the separation of church and state, it really is. You are also right about evangelicals and abortion and the Catholic Church. The worst thing that ever happened to America was Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority. It merged Christianity and the Republican Party, and here we are. The VAST MAJORITY of Christians supporting the most vile and evil person of my lifetime???? What the heck??????

EVERYTHING you said is true, and Mike Johnson IS that creepy camp counselor no one can stand and who gives off WEIRD vibes. Thanks for this article today. We are not the crazy ones, we really are not!

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"Our Baptist heritage is NOT Christian nationalism, it is championing the separation of church and state, it really is"

It seems you're the only one who got the memo then, so congrats on that! But If evangelical Baptists are championing the separation of church of state they are doing it so wrong as to be doing the exact opposite...and there's no way to claim otherwise without falling into the no true Scotsman trap.

You sound like a really good person, but you have to face the fact that you are in a very tiny minority within evanangelical Christianity, or we wouldn't be having this conversation


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This movement is led by truly the most evil members of our society,

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These people terrify me. Like you, Evan, I grew up in the Evangelical world and perhaps the scariest part is their firm belief that they are right. Not just that, but they cannot conceive of not being right and just; it simply does not occur to them. That's why it's damn near impossible to reason with them. You're not just not in the same ballpark, you're in a different city and playing a different sport.

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Well done, Evan.

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