Valuable work…..it’s a great idea to track them all.

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Kristen B on TikTok did this for over a year. She’s a trans lady in Florida who is a lawyer and was once a reporter. All the data she collected can be downloaded at www.whoismakingnews.com.

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Evan, there is an account on Threads called “antifaoperative” that posts these news stories involving conservatives, evangelicals, political leaders, and other far right assholes arrested and sentenced for the sickening spectrum of sex crimes against children. I don’t know if they’re on other platforms.


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Becks! They're on Blue Sky now, too, not sure if they've ended the Twitter account.

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I grew up anxious that I might get a black mark next to my name in any of the many "permanent records" that seem to be floating around all over the place. Such a mark in any of the permanent records is there for eternity and there would be consequences for having that mark. Whew! Growing up anxious is hard work.

As I grew older I noticed that many other people did not seem to have this anxiety about getting a black mark on their permanent records. They just went around being dicks and there did NOT seem to be any consequences coming their way.

I do hope that the Moral High Ground project to compile the many black marks that RWNJ christians earn have a long and healthy reign here in a universe that is completely insane.

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Almost as if certain people are held to high standards than others. Like how boys are “just like that,” but girls better not wear a shirt that shows a little too much of their collar because “think of the boys.”

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Upgraded to paid to support this new project. Let’s rub their hypocritical noses in their own shit!

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Great work, Evan! The media personalities in the MSM would be doing this if they were real journalists.

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Big if, most all the good ones have left.

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That's why I called them media personalities.

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A Google map with pins. Powerful visual representation.

Maybe another visual representation of circles on the map. Size grows with cases. Filter available by type of church etc…

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That's a GREAT idea

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I like these two examples - scroll down to the bottom of this page, there is a video that presents a brief movie: https://www.serpinstitute.org/.

The movie shows a map of the US and then dots proliferate and stack up to show change over time.

Then this one -which I don't like for the content - but do think is very effective: https://defendinged.org/map/

The second one in particular would not be cheap. But a non-interactive map would be much more straightforward (although still a huge amount of work). Maybe you can find collaborators with the know-how, or get a grant and hire someone with the chops.

I asked a colleague who has relevant experience - for something like the Indoctrination Map (the second link) he thought maybe a budget of 60-80K to be fully interactive, searchable, clean visuals, etc...

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Do this please, Evan!

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A grim and valuable project.

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Excellent work. And unsurprising. We’ve been hearing about black collar crime for numerous decades! That we still have politicians who uphold the privileged status of so many corrupt people & churches is the real crime!

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Expose the hypocrites and predators!

Part two? Boys Scouts of America. 80,000 child abuse victims.

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It happens in all churches (etc.) as it happens in all walks of life. Unfortunately, some churches work hard at covering it up. And some actively enable it - I'm speaking of Pete Hegseth's friend Douglas Wilson (evangelical theologian). It should be exposed, and churches which enable it should be exposed.

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Posting a weekly list should show exactly where this issue lies. It’s past time…..

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The interactive visual format will be the best part of it. A single site that anyone can link to where all the data is. This is a great idea EH!

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Bring the light!

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Good! Unmask these POS hypocrites!!

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