Phyllis Schlafly had a gay son. If they don't like us, they should stop making us. 😂

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That’s God laughing at her.

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As the early feminist ladytypes said, "the personal is political." These vile women are terrible narcissists, and the fact that their children are gay or nonbinary makes them JUST SO MAD, that they have to take it public and be JUST SO MAD at the entire population of gay or nonbinary people just living their lives. It's beyond abuse, it's essentially terrorism. And utterly hateful and abusive to their own children. She should have been arrested and jailed.

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A mother who publicly denounces her child is a child abuser. Specifically, using public sexual humiliation and abandonment for coercive control. Mother of the year!

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Hey, what about all the straight people who have buttsex? Unfair to straight-butt-sex-havers!

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Make that into a banner and hang it outside the family research council's headquarters.😂

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"the key characteristic of gay sex is feces"

You can tell Mr. Pure And Holy has no clue how butt stuff works and probably has to have two bars of soap in the shower so the butt one doesn't touch the rest of his body.

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So she had a child who initially thought they were trans, and with the love and support of the community and her dad eventually settled on ‘non binary’ as the best descriptor for their identity.

C’mon Beth - where was the indoctrination and brainwashing? If schools / doctors really did pursue trans indoctrination why wasn’t Lily coerced into becoming male?

She’s furious because deep down she knows she messed up and seriously let down her child. She knows she is lying yet keeps it up because it’s either that or admit how badly she failed as a parent.

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...or admit how badly she failed as a human being.

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I doubt that this harridan is that self aware.

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Most of her ilk are totally un-self aware.

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Thank you Evan. These people are exhausting. I've spent the month reading and listening to podcasts about Pride and Freedom Summer history. None of the bigoted rhetoric has changed. It's always the same crazy, ugly people saying the same crazy, ugly things. The good news is, they are getting less traction, and there are more people standing up to, and laughing at, their hateful behavior.

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I'm going for the low hanging fruit, Evan: Martha-Ann Alito: “This is how I satisfy myself,” because the Justice has never made her wet during their entire marriage.

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I am an about to be 49 Bi/Pan Cis female and I have known I really like kissing other girls for 40 of those years. I also know that I spend far less time thinking about LGBTQ sex than religious fanatics.

I really try not to judge other parents. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and there’s no one right way to parent every kid, even with siblings. But that mom is a bad mom and a terrible human being. I cannot imagine loving hate more than my child. I cannot imagine loving anything more than my child. I hope that precious Enby child survives and thrives and they find a fantastic support system as they grow. I hope that mom realizes her child is more important than her hate.

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I always wonder why these people never seem to have anything better to do. Based off the truck commercials I always see, I figure that people buy them to drive uphill, flinging mud everywhere, while hauling some giant thing in the back. But no, they have to use them to deface rainbow-colored crosswalks.

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In reality they drive their immaculate un-muddied giant ass trucks to Costco where they take up two parking spaces in some of the only shady spots in the entire fucking lot and sit there, engines running to air condition their fat asses while they make the wife shop.

This 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 be a 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩 influenced by my experience last week in the Costco parking lot.

But seriously the only trucks I see cobvered with dirt or muc and haiuling giant things like the ones in the commercials are 20-year old work trucks all beat to hell with tool boxes and big ladder racks above the bed.

Y'know, 𝘩𝑜𝘯𝑒𝘴𝑡 work trucks.

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My husband has a coworker who bought an $80k truck and cries when water gets on it. Road debris makes him absolutely apoplectic!! So instead he drives his 80’s beater and complains about his gas mileage instead. It’s idiotic.

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So I'm watchin' something or other the other day and there was an ad/commercial for a big fucking truck (2024 GMC SIERRA to be exact) - and LO AND BEHOLD I see shot of some really hot man-ass -- so Iooked it up online and got a screen shot (see my link). How can they not be appealing to those of us who like man-butt?


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This is the link to the actual ad


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Show me a fanatical anti-butt sex whack-job, and I’ll tell you what they fantasize about. Probably needed more hugs and less god-stuff when they were little.

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You definitely saved the worst for last, IMO, what a piece of work (interchangeable with shit) and shame on UC Davis for employing her. I sincerely hope her alternate accommodations were equally less than desirable. If she'd not been so ugly on the inside the drag queens might have offered a few tips to help her on the outside.

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I'm have always thought that drag queens were waaay more ladylike than I an old jeans and flannel tomboy from an early age. Thank the Universe for my parents allowing me to express who I was/am.

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Make-up can be magical, the level of transformation can range subtle to spectacular, personally speaking it provided me a mask of confidence that I would not have otherwise had. Now in my 60’s I wear less makeup than I did as a teen, but the confidence remains, whatever helps an individual feel better about themselves should be encouraged (as long as it doesn't cause harm to others) and supported. 💜

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I don’t think drag queens wear as much makeup as combover Caligula but maybe it’s just that they apply it so much better. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Combover Caligula, lmao ( but also need a vomit trough any time I see or hear him) and a similar demise to the namesake works!

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I think were I a human woman and someone proposed to me and I found out he’d bragged about it as some kinda anti pride thing that would probably be just one more of many many many reasons I was glad I’d answered ‘HAHFUCKNO’.

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Um, I hate to break it to the wingnuts but a helluva a lot of us heteros like the buttsexx. And a damn good number of us straight women really like gay porn bc a) yay dicks! and b) both parties get off and it's not as icky fake and often misogynist as m/f porn.

Beyond this prurience, I have so many questions for their God: if buttsexx was supposed to be evil, why did he make it feel good? They'll likely answer- it's about withstanding temptation or something, so then: why does every species of animal on earth display homosexuality? I guess their God is also testing snowshoe hares and dolphins and titmice bc....he has a fetish? Sounds about right that weirdo they've created in their image rather than vice versa.

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This is what happens when people are so afraid of their own feelings that they'll scorch the earth just to avoid feeling even the slightest amount of emotional discomfort. It must really suck to be them. Unfortunately, it sucks even more that anyone at all thinks their infantile tantrums are actually valid arguments worthy of any measure of respect.

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These strident anti-gay rants are indeed laughable, but this shit is gonna get someone hurt (or worse) one of these days. The current renaissance of gay-bashing is scary; I feel less secure now than I did back in the 80's, when there was serious talk of concentration camps to isolate "the gay cancer". The present-day iteration of homophobia is fueled by a intense zealotry that rationalizes violence and indulges extermination fantasies (kill the vermin! for the children!). It only takes one zealot to fuck things up very badly (e.g. McVeigh), so tragedy seems inevitable. They have spooked themselves so badly with their dubious campfire ghost stories about "groomers" that they see violence as a righteous and cleansing option. Be safe out there, my fellow queers and allies, our enemies are armed, angry, and eager.

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It would be a great pride month present for Davis to fire White Lady McShitsherpants instead of making excuses.

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Clearly she needs some mental health care. I can’t imagine how crappy it would be to work with her.

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Rob Schmitt and Addison Smith?

Guys, y'll are so far into the closet you can see the "𝑊𝑒'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑇𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑜𝑠" sign nailed on the door to Narnia.

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