They don’t understand humor that isn’t cruel. They can never laugh with somebody, only at somebody. And if someone dares laugh at them - I think we all know the Margaret Atwood quote.

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They cannot laugh at themselves, which is the basis for a good sense of humor.

Apparently, the Christian denomination JD recently joined, skips the Commandment about false witness. I understand. Republicans on the whole, don't like that one.

I'd like to promise JD and TFFG that their parts will NOT fall off just because Harris laughs, but I don't think they'd believe me.

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He supposedly converted to Catholicism, which given the pope's recent outburst, is believable.

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I know, which is why I find it ironic that he thinks childless women are useless. Apparently he is not yet aware of the women religious communities across the world.

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Probably because he is so broken with hate for all women. Of course Catholicism, is where the political power, and money is these days.)

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Is it just me or, do all these beefcake photos of Trump fairly scream LATENT HOMOSEXUALITY?

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It's not your imagination. My gay brother has been screaming it for months. He also believes Vance is gay, or in his words: "Like we don't have enough fucking shit to deal with!" 😂

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When I went to lobby I noticed that every one who works for Vance is a young, hot, white...man. I mentioned this to some people and it us an open secret on the Hill

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Just like Pence had, or maybe Peter Thiel put all his boyfriends on staff to keep an eye on his investment.

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Yeah Vance gives off some kinda scary twisted gaydar!

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It's the permanent eyeliner.😉 Very few straight guys wear it... unless they are in the punk scene or a movie pirate.

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Sooo much repression...

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I think that's the real joke, his incels posting these are straight out of "General Gaylord's Homosexual Battalion." (a Furry Freak Brothers reference).

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"The MAGA memes were stupid and pathetic and sad, but the same memes from the liberals took on a new meaning. And suddenly there were “Simpsons” memes, because Springfield. And Alf was everywhere."

That's the thing. We liberals are always going to be so much better at this than they are. Republicans definitely cornered The market On bottomless cruelty and blind ruthless rage, quite effective methods at times unfortunately, but we are always going to own them when it comes to mockery and comedy. We don't play their game, it's probably best that they don't try to play ours. We are going to win this game

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I've never met a Democrat who missed a punchline. I've never met a Republican who was funny in a comic way.

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JD Ottoman admitted that the point is not whether anyone is eating pets but that Haitians just don’t belong in America because they’re black. We must always point out that JD Sectional was picked to be Donald’s VP because he’s a shittier human than Donald; he’s worse in terms of vileness and a thousand times more repellent than Donald. Ohio, well, they voted for him and he’s theirs now. That says more about the people of Ohio than it says about him.

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I don’t know; a thousand times more repellent than trump seems like one of those numbers that needs scientific notation just to fit in the page. Besides, is that even possible?

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Um..., there's a lot of us in Ohio who most definitely did NOT vote for Vance, and we're stuck with him too, kinda like you, me and every other lefty in the US was stuck with Trump for 4 years. What, pray tell, does that say about you?

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And another good point - Vance probably does see this as payback for the couch fucking joke about him. That he does, just proves what a sick, twisted weirdo he is.

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Justa Dick Vance is as thin-skinned as his running mate.

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Republicans believe "nothing personal" only counts if they're insulting someone.

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I've been having trouble with this one. I get the feeling that we've flipped these memes upside down by redirecting the target, but I still can't quite get over the feeling that amplifying them at all is helping do the work of demonizing these folks. Maybe they don't need the help and we're just having good fun, but the wording on that ALF meme (which my friend sent me during the debate) about "remember when it was fiction" sits poorly with me. Maybe I need my doktorate in rhetoric, or I just need to get the stick out of my ass. I did have a great laugh at Hank Azaria's video as Chief Wiggum answering calls about people eating the pets in Springfield, regardless.

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I feel the same about the ALF one. It strongly implies that people actually 𝘢𝘳𝘦 eating cats, rather than making fun of Trump for saying it.

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I agree with you on this. It was funny until it got serious, but at this point, giving it any air at all is going to perpetuate the rumor, and people are getting hurt, and will very likely get killed if we don't find a way to shut this thing down. I really think we need to find something else to joke about.

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They can't all be winners. The intent was there, the phrasing tripped over it's own shoelaces.

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Am I also missing something. The MAGA memes look terrible. Most of these kitties look horrified to be in Trump’s presence. Oh look, here’s Trump taking a dump into a giant cat shaped object.

It’s ugly and also really ugly. Gramps really shouldn’t be allowed AI.

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I'd be terrified to be around him.

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Or overcome by the stench

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

You are right, Evan, Vance, Nancy Mace, Jim Jordan, and the others who gleefully tweeted those memes probably don't believe that anyone is "....EATING THE PETS!" I am not sure if DJT Jr believes it or not, but his dad probably does, or he wouldn't have blurted that out at the debate Tuesday night, And if I recall correctly, the question had nothing to do with immigration, but it if did, he's the one who brought it up about "....EATING THE PETS!" He wasn't supposed to do that, and a prominent con on Twitter whined about it. I think that it was Eric Ericsson, and he blamed VP Harris for making trump say that. trump ruined that meme for the cons, but they still don't understand why what they did was wrong. It was wrong not just because it's not true, it's wrong because it hurt innocent people, who have done nothing to them. In addition, their memes weren't funny, unless you were laughing at the thought of a heroic, buff trump, but that isn't what they wanted. The wanted to own the libs, but they ended up hurting innocent people and owning themselves.

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I'm not sure how "un-American" this behavior is. No matter how far back one goes in our history, the same kind of malicious "othering" can be found. Maybe its roots lie in forcing the Indigenous people to yield up life and property to invaders, and dying as a result. It's massive guilt, America's original sin, and we can't wash ourselves clean, no matter how much truth we know or however many lies we tell ourselves.

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Yep. This is the truth. This is our history. We are a nation built on cruelty, the horrors of slavery and the Holocaust visited upon the indigenous residents. We can hope and work to shape a different future and I like to think we are doing so. But what's happening in Springfield is consistent with our past and denying that is not helpful.

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Is MAGA stupid? These AI pics don’t say masculine at all. They say “desperate.”

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They look like Smithers from the Simpsons made them, like the fantasies he has of Mr. Burns.

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Don't want to be Captain Bringdown, but I read the Stephen Miller interview (as much as I could stomach) and it's fucking insane. "Oh, we'll just build some holding facilities one the Texas border" yeah, MF, that's what's called a CONCENTRATION CAMP. They'll just put folks on DHL flights to their origin countries, no big deal, no mention of what happens if the origin refuses the delivery. But what enrages and scares me is Miller's assertion that Americans (*real* Americans, that is) will be celebrating this process. Fucker calls it "joyous". Can you imagine all the armed raids they would be doing, all over the country? Would they set up roadblocks to catch those fleeing to other states? Checkpoints on the street? What criteria would they use? They're called UNDOCUMENTED for a reason. Think of all the people affected by the post-9/11 no flight list. What would keep them from grabbing people just based on name or skin or "they look suspicious"? Would they allow vigilante "patriot militias" to assist? Joyous and celebratory my ASS. Donnie and his ilk are twisted, evil people and can't take power again.

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It's always bad when Miller tells his masturbatory fantasies to some poor television host.

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You and I both escaped the mindfuckery of Christian extremism and are both southern, so you'll probably relate. I have a hard time finding any of this funny because my mom told six-or-seven-year-old me that the local Chinese restaurant served dogs and cats AFTER I ate my weight in fried fish fingers and orange sauce there. I was so traumatized that I STILL relive that every time I see a Chinese restaurant. I relived it the whole time I was in Hong Kong. But so many of those children grow up to punch down on the internet.

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// As Greg Sargent argues this week in The New Republic, even if Trump’s and his allies’ more dramatic wet dreams about Holocaust-ing immigrants didn’t come to pass, if he came into power again, we’d likely see a scenario where the government and its supporters work every day to make immigrants’ lives such a living hell that they end up bullied into leaving, especially by demonizing them and blaming them for everything that’s wrong with the world, real or imagined, subjecting them to violence and more. //

This was the first approach the Nazis took to try to drive the Jews out, trying to make them leave on their own — to “self-deport.”When that didn’t work, the second was trying mass forced deportations. And when they couldn’t get other countries to agree to accept massive numbers of refugees, they found their Final Solution.

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A few times MAGAts have claimed to own the libs:

* The times they wear adult diapers outside their clothing. Wtf?

* The time they stuck maxipads to the sides of their heads. Another wtf?

* The many times some ass-kissers create gross Trump beefcake muscle AI foolishness, which never fails to make me laugh.

How do you own the libs by ridiculing your candidate for wearing diapers? Or making him more of a laughingstock wearing a giant head diaper for an ear nick that was completely healed three days later? How? They're constantly owning themselves or the Orange Froot Loop.

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“What if we make a meme of Trump holding some cats?”

“Love it! But hear me out! What, if we made it super homoerotic? Like gayer than 3 guys fucking 4 guys?”

“I already have an AI mocking one…wow, so many of that exact thing already exist.”

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I said the same thing yesterday. Vance is revenging for the couch joke which is exactly why he doesn't care if it is true, he is revenging himself upon the backs of the innocent. POS.

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